Sustainability | Governance

Operating ethically

governance banner

We are a well-governed business founded on ethical principles and transparency, where we aspire to do the right things the right way.

Driving ethical business standards

Acting responsibly in environmental, economic and social terms is an integral part of our mission and culture. It is an expression of our environmental and corporate social responsibility. We adhere to high ethical standards, respect human rights, and expect no less of our suppliers and partners. Our business activities are aligned with the aspirations of the United Nations Global Compact and to 12 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our conduct is continuously scrutinized by top management. The sustainability assessment platforms most relevant to our areas of business activity are NQC Supplier Assurance, EcoVadis and CDP.

Targets in the Governance focus area

Sustainability targets - Governance focus area

Ethics and compliance

  • Governance and accountability structure to monitor our sustainability progress

  • Zero incidents of forced labor in our operations and supply chain

  • Annual code of conduct training for all permanent employees

  • Maintain an impartial whistle-blowing mechanism and anti-retaliation policy to ensure people have the confidence to raise any concerns

External assurance

  • CDP, EcoVadis and NQC annual assessment

Associated United Nations SDG commitments

Governance activities aligned with UN SDGs
8 - Decent work and economic growth
10 - Reduced inequalities
16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

Click on the sections below to discover specific targets and activities

PEOPLE: Providing opportunity

Providing opportunity

PLANET: Minimizing impact

Minimizing impact

PRODUCT: Enabling sustainability

Enabling sustainability

INSIGHTS: Positive differences in the making

Positive differences in the making

STRATEGY: Framework and commitments

Framework and commitments

Sustainability assistance

Please contact us with questions regarding sustainability and governance. We look forward to hearing from you and will respond as quickly as possible.

About HellermannTyton

HellermannTyton is a global manufacturer of cable management and identification solutions for automotive, solar, electrical, construction, industrial automation, broadband and other OEM markets. The company's integrated approach to product design, sustainability, production, quality assurance and delivery is optimized to benefit local and global customers. HellermannTyton operates in 40 countries, with North American headquarters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (